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Severe storms typically bring wind, rain, and hail. They can also leave you with roof damage that’s hard to see. Bithlo roofing contractors are here to share five things to look for when considering bringing in professionals after a storm like this has affected your home.

When a big storm is on the way, you know how to prepare: stock up on groceries, charge your electronics and make sure all of your flashlights have fresh batteries. During the storm, all you can think about is keeping your family safe. After the storm passes, you can start thinking about damage. Did it hail? How strong were the winds? When you go outside to check out the damage, don’t forget to look up at your roof. In 2022, more than $3.8 billion in losses was reported (thanks in part to Hurricane Ian). It can be a costly mistake to let your roof fall into disrepair. But how do you know if your roof needs professional attention? Here is a shortlist of what to look for courtesy of Bithlo roofing contractors. 

How do you know where to start when assessing storm damage to your roof? If you know what to look for and where to look, you will have a better idea of when to call in the professionals. Here’s where Bithlo roofing contractors say you should look for damage.

Check For Damage From The Ground

  1. Other property damage – If you see damage to trees such as tree limbs on the ground, chances are some of those branches hit your roof and caused damage. There may even be limbs still on your roof. You’ll want to remove those if possible and look for damage underneath. Also, look at the roof vents, gutters, and garage doors. Do they have dents from hail? If so, your roof probably does too. This type of damage is most obvious.
  2. Shingle damage – Identifying shingle damage is more difficult. Shingles can appear broken, cracked, or missing altogether. When shingles are hit by strong winds and rain, their granules shed and you may see a collection of these granules on the ground. You may also see shingles on the ground, scattered among the storm damage.

Check For Damage Inside Your Home

  1. Water damage – Signs of serious damage can manifest in water spots on the walls or ceiling. You may also see leaks coming from the ceiling. A damaged roof can let water seep through causing leaks and spotting. If you have a leak, be sure to use a bucket to catch the water so you can try to save your floors.
  2. Attic issues – When you go into the attic, look for water puddles. Water, where it doesn’t belong, is a good sign of roof damage. Since plumbing sometimes runs through the attic, you’ll want to ensure the water leakage is not a result of a leaking pipe or another plumbing issue. Also, check for wet insulation and damp framing. Your attic should not be wet. If it is, you likely have roof damage.

Check For Damage From Your RoofBithlo roofing contractors

If you notice any of the below signs of damage, you’ll want to get the professionals involved right away. It’s usually not safe for homeowners to spend a lot of time on their roof, so your best option is to hire a licensed roofer to do this inspection. 

  1. Hidden damage – Only a professional roofing company like Bithlo roofing contractors can tell if there is damage under the shingles. Storms can damage the roof’s underlayment layer which makes it much more vulnerable to further damage. This layer provides protection from wind and rain. If it is damaged, your roof is more likely to leak. Sometimes the shingles appear undamaged but the layer underneath needs repair.

Let Advantage Roofing Look For Storm Damage

After a big storm, you need to make sure your roof is safe and in good condition. This short checklist will get you started. If you see damage or you’re unsure how serious the damage is, it’s best to call Bithlo roofing contractors. They’ll do a thorough inspection of your roof and tell you with confidence whether you need a simple repair or perhaps a full replacement. Contact Advantage Roofing today. Having the right team in your corner will go a long way in keeping you and your family safe from the next severe storm.