(407) 678-9721

We get questions every now and then about our process for an Oviedo roof repair. We’re sharing the answers with you below!

How Do I Know If I Need An Oviedo Roof Repair? 

There are many different signs you can look for to determine if you need Oviedo roof repair. Missing or broken shingles, hail damage, an increase in your utility bills, leakage and other forms of physical damage are all common concerns that homeowners experience with their roofs. In order to prevent problems from arising, it’s a good rule of thumb to have your roof inspected annually! 

Oviedo Roof RepairCan Most Roofing Issues Be Repaired Without Needing To Be Replaced? 

We have saved countless roofs from needing to be replaced by handling the repair on the spot. However, most of these cases are due to the fact that the homeowner gave us a call as soon as they saw something worrisome. If you put off roofing concerns, there’s a chance they’ll only worsen over time. That’s why it’s important to get a professional opinion immediately to save you a hefty bill in the long run. 

How Much Will It Cost To Repair My Roof? 

Costs vary depending on your roof’s pitch, the kind of shingles you have and the condition your roof is in. We do our very best to offer affordable roofing solutions so that we can better serve the communities in Central Florida. We even offer financing options! The best way to find out an answer to this question is to contact us for a free estimate. 

What Is A Re-Roof? 

A re-roof is essentially a roof replacement. When problems go beyond a simple Oviedo roof repair, we resort to a roof replacement where we pull up all the materials down to the deck and replace them until it’s good as new. Reroofs are a great way to maximize the lifespan of your roof if you’re looking to stay in your home for many years to come! 

With any other questions about an Oviedo roof repair, contact us today! We’d be happy to take you through the steps in ensuring your roof is safe with Advantage Roofing.