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If you love to DIY, think again when it comes to your roof. Here’s why you should leave your Bithlo roof repair to the experts.


We are a nation of do-it-yourselfers. Just turn on the TV and you’ll see dozens of shows dedicated to DIY projects. There’s an entire social network dedicated to doing it yourself. Pinterest shows us how to do everything from making our own swimming pool to crafting the ultimate firepit on a budget. There’s something so satisfying about completing a project on your own. However, when it comes to your roof, it’s best to leave that project to the experts. Our Bithlo roof repair team explains why.

Your Safety Matters To Us

Getting on your roof can be risky. Roofs are high and sloped and it’s hard to keep your balance. If you’ve ever put up holiday lights, you know you have to be extremely careful. Just ask Clark Griswold! There are over 500,000 ladder-related injuries every year. Staying on the ground and leaving the jobs that require a ladder to the experts goes a long way to keeping you safe

Our Bithlo roof repair professionals are fully licensed and certified. Our team is used to working on elevated, sloped surfaces, while carrying heavy tools, under harsh weather conditions.

You can feel confident that the job will be done well and will be done safely because we are experienced, fully trained, and use the right tools for the job.

Lower CostBithlo roof repair

Hiring Bithlo roof repair professionals may seem more costly up front, but the benefits outweigh any potential cost difference. Keep in mind, when you do a project yourself, you will likely make several trips to the home improvement store or lumber yard. Running into unforeseen obstacles makes sticking to a budget tough. You can easily spend more than you anticipated when you don’t know exactly what you’re doing. When you hire our Bithlo roof repair team, we will give you a free estimate and will do everything we can to stick to that quote. Knowing the job will be done right the first time makes hiring out the job worth it. 

The bigger the project, the bigger the price tag. When you use our professional Bithlo roof repair team, we purchase materials in such large quantities, we will pay much less for shingles, lumber, and nails than you would if you were to buy these materials on your own. 

Don’t Void Your Warranty

If you repair your own roof, it’s possible that you will void your roof’s warranty. Roofing material manufacturers typically require that only licensed professionals handle repairs. This is because professionals are trained and certified to do the job correctly. If you try to fix your roof yourself, your manufacturer might not honor your warranty. And if any further repairs are needed, you would be responsible for the full cost of the materials.

We all love doing projects ourselves. If your roof needs repairs, however, you should leave that project to the professionals. The Bithlo roof repair team at Advantage Roofing is fully licensed and trained to get your roofing job done right the first time. We are a family business and we work hard to repair or replace your roof in a timely and safe manner. You should have the peace of mind that comes with a safe and sturdy roof. Contact Advantage Roofing today to schedule your free estimate. We want to keep your family safe.