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If you think that you need your roof repaired, it can be tempting to wait until there is more damage. Our Winter Springs roof repair team says, “Don’t wait.”

A new roof is a hefty investment that you should only have to make every 20 years or so, barring a major weather event. Like most other things in your home, if you take proper care of your roof, you won’t need to replace it as quickly as you would if you ignored needed repairs. 

Benjamin Franklin famously said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” This sentiment applies to your roof as well. Performing small repairs is the prevention; the pound of cure is a costly new roof. When considering whether you should have your Winter Springs roof repair done now or later, our team at Advantage Roofing recommends that you don’t wait. Here’s why.

What Do Roof Repairs Cost?

You may be tempted to hold off on repairs until it’s “worth it,” meaning that you might as well wait until your roof “really needs it” before calling a roofer. But you may be surprised to learn that roof repairs may not cost as much as you think and if you wait, a small, inexpensive repair may turn into a larger, more costly repair. Roof repairs typically fall into one of these categories:

Roof leak repairs involve sealing the leak, replacing the shingles, and sealing the shingles. This type of repair can cost as little as $150 on an asphalt roof.

Moderate repairs involve repairing and sealing fixtures on the roof and replacing shingles and flashing. These repairs on an asphalt roof can cost anywhere between $500 – $1,500 for a 10-by-10 square-foot section of shingles.

Extensive repairs typically require repair to the shingles as well as the material underneath the shingles. For a 10-by-10 square-foot section of asphalt shingles, the cost can range from $1,500 to $3,500.

You can see why it’s best to have your Winter Springs roof repair done while your damage is in the “roof leak” to “moderate repair” range. Once you need an extensive repair, your pocketbook will really feel it.

How To Know That Your Roof Needs To Be Repaired?

If we’ve convinced you to nip your roof problem in the bud, it’s important that you know what to look for so that a small issue doesn’t become a larger, more expensive one. 

Since most homeowners are not professional roofing inspectors, we recommend that you call our inspection team at Advantage Roofing to look at your roof periodically. This is especially important after a heavy storm. Here’s what we’ll look for:

If we spot issues with anything in the above list, we will recommend a repair. Proper maintenance of your roof should keep it structurally sound for many years. Trust us, you don’t want to have to replace your roof prematurely due to lack of maintenance. 

What Will Advantage Roofing Recommend?

When we perform your roof inspection, we will provide you with a detailed list of any issues that need attention. And if you are concerned that we will recommend a new roof when only repairs are needed, don’t be. We strive to meet the highest standards of ethics and customer service. If you only need a repair, that’s what we will tell you. We will recommend that if aWinter Springs roof repair repair is needed, you handle it sooner rather than later.

Speaking Of Customer Service

We are pleased to share with you that we recently won the 2022 Super Service Award from Angi and the Neighborhood Favorite Award from Nextdoor. These awards are high praise that recognize our excellence in workmanship and customer service. 

best roofers in Orlando

We would welcome the opportunity to perform your Winter Springs roof repair. Contact Advantage Roofing today.