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As a property owner, you likely prepare yourself for the final expenses of home improvement projects. If you’re curious about the average cost to tear off and replace a roof in Orlando, you’re in the right spot to find the answer.

The national average cost to re-roof a house is just over $10,800 for a 2,000-square-foot home, with a range in total cost between $6,700 and $13,400. Orlando roofing costs usually follow national trends, so when you’re replacing your roof, you can expect the average cost to tear off and replace a roof in Orlando to fall within that range typically. 

As with any roofing project, the average cost to tear off and replace a roof in Orlando can change depending on several major factors, including:

There are also additional expenses that many people may not consider when factoring in the total cost of a roof replacement. 

Common Unplanned Costs When Re-Roofing A House

Underlying Structural Damage

If your roof has needed to be replaced for an extended period of time or if it has been leaking, there may be significant structural damage. When age or severe weather compromises your shingles, they no longer provide the same level of protection that they used to. This can lead to water damage, rotting wood, and mold.

Current Market Value for Materials

Supply and demand have a significant impact on the average cost to tear off and replace a roof in Orlando. With current disruptions to supply chains, increased demand for roofing materials, and increased costs from manufacturers, prices have been rising. 

Disposal Costsaverage cost to tear off and replace a roof in Orlando

You wouldn’t hire a roofing company to remove your old roofing materials and then leave them on your property, so you need also to anticipate disposal costs when determining the average cost to tear off and replace a roof in Orlando. 

The number of dumpsters needed for removal can vary based on your roof’s size and the materials used. Multiple dumpsters can increase your overall cost by hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

The Contractor You Choose

Choosing a roofing contractor solely based on the lowest price can be tempting. Why are their prices so low? They could be compromising quality by taking shortcuts and delivering subpar work. If a price seems unusually attractive, it’s likely that there’s more to the story. You should always check that your roofing contractor is licensed and insured for the work that they are doing. 

Advantage Roofing is Here For You

We’ve been providing roofing services in the Central Florida area for over 30 years, so when you need a reputable roofing company with great results, we’re the ones you want to call. Contact us today for your free estimate!