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There are many home projects that you can tackle in DIY mode. Roof repair isn’t one of them. Let’s review why you should hire Casselberry asphalt roof repair pros for your roofing project.

Doing it yourself comes with a badge of honor. When a guest comes over and compliments your gorgeous new kitchen tile, you swell with pride when you can say, “I did that!” That’s the feeling we get when we complete a Casselberry asphalt roof repair. The difference is that we are trained, licensed, and certified to handle roof repairs. And while you can YouTube a kitchen tile tutorial, a roof repair needs to be handled by professionals.

Why should you hand the hammer over to the professionals for your Casselberry asphalt roof repair? Let us count the ways…

Roof Repair Is Dangerous

There’s always a danger of a Clark Griswold moment when a homeowner climbs up to their roof. You can suffer significant injury from a fall without the proper training and equipment (and an excellent sense of balance). Aside from the height issue, roofing requires specific tools that the average homeowner may not have.

When you need your roof repaired, staying on the ground and letting the professionals do the dangerous work is best. At Advantage Roofing, our Casselberry asphalt roof repair technicians have all the skills and equipment needed to handle the job safely. We aren’t afraid of heights, can scale any roof angle, and have experience with roofing tools. We also won’t staple our shirt cuffs to the roof.

Roof Repair Is Technical

Believe it or not, there is a science to installing an asphalt roof. If your installation is not done right, your roof can be more susceptible to weather damage and leaking. Our roofing contractors know how to install roofing sections in layers so rain rolls safely down and into your gutters.

Once the shingles are installed, special attention must be paid to the gutters and flashing. When we perform a roof inspection, we check to be sure there are no dents or bends in your gutters that would make rainwater pool. When water can’t run off your roof onto the ground, it can cause damage down the road. Casselberry asphalt roof repair

Likewise, inadequate waterproofing in the flashing around your chimney and skylights can lead to water infiltration, resulting in leaks through your roof’s underlayment. Rest assured, our meticulous Casselberry asphalt roof repair team pays attention to every detail, ensuring that every aspect of your roof repair is executed with precision and accuracy.

You Could Void Your Warranty

It’s important to note that several roofing material manufacturers only honor their warranties when the roof repair is carried out by a licensed roofing company. Although you may feel confident in your ability to tackle a roof repair on your own, you could encounter difficulties if you need to make a warranty claim.

Additionally, it’s worth considering the warranty provided by your roofing company. Most reputable roofers offer warranties on their work, allowing you to rely on them if any issues arise after the repair is completed.

It’s Easy To Overspend When You DIY

When it comes to roof repair, it’s essential to be mindful of your expenses and avoid overspending. If you opt to handle the repair yourself, you may find yourself purchasing supplies from a local big-box hardware store. While these stores offer convenience and a wide range of options for DIY enthusiasts, hiring a professional Casselberry asphalt roof repair company often proves to be a more cost-effective choice.

Professional roofers benefit from ordering materials in bulk, granting them access to better prices compared to individual purchases. Moreover, the materials available to professionals are of higher quality compared to those found at home improvement stores. By entrusting your roof repair to professionals, you can take advantage of these factors and potentially save on costs while ensuring superior material quality.


There are many reasons to hire professionals to handle your Casselberry asphalt roof repair, but this list should give you enough warning to stick to kitchen tile and let our team at Advantage Roofing repair your roof. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.